Module-1 Safety practice and Hand Tools


1 : What is the expansion of ABC in first aid treatment?

A : Airway Bleeding Circulation
B : Airway Breathing Circulation
C : Airway Breathing Carefulness
D : Accident Breathing Carefulness

2 : Which is the colour code of warning signs?
A : White symbol on blue background
B : White symbol on green background
C : Red border and cross bar, black symbol on white
D : Yellow background with black border and symbol

3 : Which category of basic sign refers to avoid naked flame?
A : Warning signs
B : Mandatory signs
C : Information signs
D : Prohibition signs

4 : Which category, the fire due to gas and liquified gas comes under?
A : Class C fire
B : Class A fire
C : Class D fire
D : Class B fire

5 : What are the factors that must be present in combination of fire?
A : Fuel, heat and hydrogen
B : Fuel, temperature, hydrogen
C : Fuel, hydrogen, oxygen
D : Fuel, heat and oxygen

6 : What is smothering in extinguishing of fire?
A : Adding the fuel from fire
B : Removing the fuel from fire
C : Isolating the heat from fire
D : Isolating the supply of oxygen from fire

7 : Which type of fire extinguisher is used for fire on electrical equipment?
A : Foam extinguisher
B : Water filled extinguisher
C : Stored pressure type extinguisher
D : Halon extinguisher

8 : What is the name of PPE?
A : Apron
B : Leg guards
C : Face shield
D : Hand screen

9 : What is the meaning of safety?
A : The occupational hazards
B : Provide safe work environment
C : Giving first aid treatment to the victim
D : The freedom (or) protection from harm, danger etc..

10 : Which Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a used for eye protection?
A : Helmet
B : Goggles
C : Nose mask
D : Leather aprons

11 : Which purpose leather aprons are used as personal protective equipment?
A : Ear protection
B : Eye protection
C : Body protection
D : Face protection

12 : Which concept of 5s indicates standardization?
A : Step – 1
B : Step – 2
C : Step – 3
D : Step – 4

13 : Which waste is used as a fuel for the Biogas power plant?
A : Chemical waste
B : Agricultural waste
C : Waste produced from the water source
D : Waste produced by the men and animal

14 : What is cleaning?
A : Preventing the additional matter
B : Removing unwanted matter from the environment
C : Keeping the things in systematic arrangement
D : Keeping the working place in safe situation

15 : What is the name of the tool?
A : Combination plier
B : Wire stripper
C : Crimping tool
D : Side cutter

16 : What is the name of the tool?
A : Poker
B : Gimlet
C : Bradawl
D : Raw plug tool

17 : Which screwdriver is used for driving star headed screw?
A : Connector screwdriver
B : Philips screw driver
C : Heavy-duty screwdriver
D : Insulated screw driver

18 : In which type of hazard virus will belong?
A : Ergonomic
B : Biological hazard
C : Physiological hazard
D : Phychological hazard

19 : Which one is the example for chemical hazard?
A : Fatigue
B : Bacteria
C : Corrosive
D : Sickness

20 : What is the goal of the occupational health safety?
A : To maintain discipline
B : To co-operate with co-workers
C : To provide a safe work environment
D : To keep the work place neat and clean

21 : Which is called valance electron in an atom?
A : Half the total No of electron
B : No: of electron in middle orbit
C : No: of electron in inner most orbit
D : No: of electron in the outer most orbit

22 : How many electrons are in a copper atom?
A : 27
B : 28
C : 29
D : 30

23 : How many number of electrons will move in one second for one ampere current through the conductor?
A : 6.24 X 10¹⁵
B : 6.24 X 10¹⁶
C : 6.24 X 10¹⁷
D : 6.24 X 10¹⁸

24 : What is the property of direct current?
A : Magnitude and direction of current changes with time
B : Magnitude and direction of current remains constant
C : Direction of current changes with time
D : Magnitude of current changes with time

25 : Which effect is produced, if the current is passed through a conductor?
A : Thermal effect
B : Magnetic effect
C : Chemical effect
D : Electrostatic effect

26 : Which effect is produced, if the current in passed through a coil?
A : Heating effect
B : Chemical effect
C : Magnetic effect
D : Ionisation effect

27 : Which effect of electric current is used for the treatment of mental patient?
A : Shock effect
B : Chemical effect
C : Magnetic effect
D : Ionization effect

28 : What is the name of the effect, if the current is passed through the electrolyte?
A : Heating
B : Chemical
C : Magnetic
D : Thermal

29 : What is the name of the measuring tool?
A : Outside micrometer
B : Inside micrometer
C : Vernier caliper
D : Standard wire gauge

30 : What is the expansion of SWG?
A : standard wire gauge
B : stranded wire gauge
C : standard wire grade
D : standard wire group

31 : Which conductors are used for O.H distribution lines?
A : Insulated conductors
B : Insulated solid conductors
C : Bare conductors
D : Two core cable

32 : What does7 indicates in 7/20 cable?
A : Insulation grade
B : Diameter in mm
C : No of conductor
D : Size of conductor in gauge

33 : Which insulating material is used for insulation tapes?
A : Mica
B : Fibre
C : Plastic
D : Leathroid

34 : What is the reading of the micrometer?
A : 4.05 mm
B : 4.15 mm
C : 4.50 mm
D : 4.55 mm

35 : What is the purpose of additional covering over the insulation of insulated conductor?
A : To increase dielectric strength
B : To add more mechanical strength
C : To increase the current carrying capacity
D : To protect the wire

36 : What is the name of the wire joint?
A : Aerial tap joint
B : T joint
C : Knotted tap joint
D : Plain tap joint

37 : Which joint is suitable for low current circuits only?
A : Double cross tap joint
B : Western union joint
C : Scarfed joint
D : Aerial tap joint

38 : What is the name of the wire joint?
A : Brittania ´T´ joint
B : Western union joint
C : Brittania straight joint
D : Married joint

39 : Which type of tap joint is suitable for more tensile stress?
A : Plain tap joint
B : Aerial tap joint
C : Knotted tap joint
D : Duplex cross joint

40 : Which type of joint is used in overhead lines for extending the length of wire?
A : Scarfed joint
B : BritanniaT joint
C : Western union joint
D : Married joint

41 : What is the name of the soldering?
A : DIP soldering
B : Temperature controlled soldering
C : Soldering with soldering gun
D : Soldering with blow lamp

42 : Which metal is used to make soldering iron bit?
A : Iron
B : Steel
C : Brass
D : Copper

43 : Which soldering method is used to solder under ground cable joints?
A : Dip soldering
B : Soldering iron method
C : Pot and ladle method
D : Machine soldering method

44 : Which solder is used for soldering aluminum conductor?
A : Fine solder
B : Resin core solder
C : Alcap solder
D : Tinman solder

45 : Which soldering flux used for soldering electrical joints?
A : Rosin
B : Zinc chloride
C : Sal ammonia rosin
D : Diluted chloric acid

46 : Which metal is soldered by using zinc chloride flux as solder?
A : Zinc
B : Bronze
C : Gun metal
D : Galvanised iron

47 : Which is to be added to recondition the solder?
A : Tin
B : Zinc
C : Lead
D : Rosine

48 : Which colour band of resistor indicates the multiplier?
A : First band
B : Third band
C : Fourth band
D : Second band

49 : Which resistor is known as photo Conductors?
A : Light dependent resistor
B : Voltage dependent resistors
C : PTC resistors
D : NTC resistors

50 : Which material is used for making wire wound resistors?
A : Manganin
B : Graphite
C : Tantalum
D : Carbon

51 : Which is the example for metal film resistor?
A : Carbon
B : Eureka
C : Maganin
D : Michrome

52 : What is the reading of galvanometer in whetstone bridge at balanced stage?
A : High deflection
B : Low deflection
C : Null deflection
D : Vibrates

53 : Which formula is used to calculate the value of unknown resistance (Rx) in Wheatstone bridge?
A :
B :
C :
D :

54 : What is the condition, if zero current is flowing through the galvanometer in Wheatstone bridge?
A : Balanced
B : Unbalanced
C : Short-circuited
D : Open circuited

55 : Calculates the value of unknown resistance (R) is connected in a wheat stone bridge at balanced conditions, if P = 350Ω , S = 200 Ω and Q = 420Ω?
A : 480Ω
B : 320Ω
C : 280Ω
D : 240Ω

56 : Which is conductor?
A : Wood
B : Zinc
C : Rubber
D : Mica

57 : What is the property of good conductor?
A : Must have low specific resistance
B : Must have high dielectric strength
C : Must have low tensile strength
D : Must have low melting point

58 : What is the advantage of stranded conductor compared to solid conductor?
A : More rigidity
B : Flexibility
C : High melting point
D : High mechanical strength

59 : What is the main property of an insulator?
A : Low resistance
B : Low melting point
C : High temperature co-efficient
D : High dielectric strength

60 : What is the voltage grading range of high voltage?
A : 0V – 250V
B : 650V – 33000V
C : Above 33000V
D : 250V – 650V

61 : Which voltage grading 1100 volt belongs?
A : Low Voltage (L.V)
B : Medium Voltage (M.V)
C : High Voltage (H.V)
D : Extra High Voltage (E.H.V)

62 : What is the voltage grade range of medium voltage?
A : 250V-415V
B : 250-650V
C : 1.1KV-11KV
D : Above 33000V

63 : Which law states the relation between the voltage current and resistance in a closed circuit at constant temperature?
A : Ohms law
B : Kirchoffs current law
C : Kirchoffs voltage law
D : Laws of resistance

64 : Which electrical quantity is inversely proportional to the current as per ohms law?
A : Resistance
B : Voltage
C : Power
D : Energy

65 : Which bulb will have lowest resistance?
A : 240V, 60W
B : 240V, 100W
C : 240V, 200W
D : 240V,500W

66 : Calculate the value of resistance connected to the supply voltage of 100V and current through 4 A?
A : 0.4 ohm
B : 0.04 ohm
C : 25 ohm
D : 400 ohm

67 : What is the S.I unit of specific resistance?
A : Ohm/cm
B : Ohm/metre2
C : Ohm-metre
D : Micro ohm/cm²

68 : What is the specific resistance value of copper conductor?
A : 1.72 micro ohm/cm²
B : 1.72 micro ohm
C : 1.72 ohm /cm²
D : 1.72 micro ohmmeter

69 : What is the effect in resistance of the conductor, if its diameter is doubled?
A : Increase to two times
B : Increase to four times
C : Decrease to half the value
D : Decrease to ¼ th value

70 : Which is directly proportional to the resistance?
A : Area of cross section
B : Length
C : Resistivity
D : Temperature

71 : What is the total resistance (RT) if R1, R2, R3 are connected in series?
A : RT=R1+R2+R3
B :
C : RT = R1 R2 R3
D :

72 : What is formula to calculate electric power (P)?
A : P=I²xR
B : P=R/V²
C : P = IR
D : P =I/V

73 : What is the change in total resistance value, if additional resistor is connected in a parallel circuit?
A : Decrease
B : Remains same
C : Increase 2 times
D : Increase to 1.5 times

74 : Calculate the value of series resistor?
A : 1380Ω
B : 1390Ω
C : 1400Ω
D : 1492Ω

75 : Which law states that in each closed circuit the sum of all voltage drops are equal to zero?
A : Krichoffs current Law
B : Krichoffs voltage Law
C : Law of Resistance
D : Ohm´s law

76 : Which law is used to determine the equivalent resistance of the network and the current?
A : Ohm´s law
B : Krichoffs Law
C : Laws of Resistance
D : Lenz´s law

77 : Which is the correct equation based on Kirchhoff´s first law?
A : I1 + I3 = I2 + I4 + I5
B : I1 + I2 + I3 = I4 + I5
C : I1 + I2 = I3 + I4 + I5
D : I1 + I2 = I3 + I4 + I5 = 0

78 : Which is the simplest method used to measure low resistance?
A : Voltmeter ammeter method
B : Slide wire, bridge method
C : Post office base method
D : Kelvin bridge method

79 : What is the value of voltmeter resistance (Rv) compared to resistance (Rm) to be measured?
A : Equal
B : Low
C : Very low
D : Very large

80 : Which defines that the changes in resistance in ohm per 1°C rise in temperature?
A : Thermal expansion
B : Thermal conductivity
C : Temperature coefficient
D : Thermo dynamics

81 : Which material have negative temperature coefficient?
A : Carbon
B : Tungsten
C : Nichrome
D : Mangnin

82 : Which resistor has negative temperature co-efficient?
A : Sensistor
B : Thermistor
C : Varistor
D : LDR resistor

83 : Which switch is having four terminals?
A : Single pole one way switch
B : single pole two way switches
C : Intermediate switch
D : Pull switch

84 : Which type of holder is used between 200W to 300W lamp?
A : Edison screw holder
B : Goliath screw holder
C : Bracket holder
D : Angle holder

85 : Which switch is having a spring-loaded button?
A : Intermediate switch
B : Push button switch
C : Pull switch
D : Double pole switch

86 : What is the name of BIS symbol?
A : Lamp
B : Two way switch
C : Intermediate switch
D : Multi – position switch

87 : What does the symbol marked asY indicates?
A : Number of switches to be connected
B : Number of wires run on the limb
C : Number clamps (or) clips to be fixed
D : Number of the battern (or) pipe to be fixed

88 : Which supply voltage the fire alarm circuit works?
A : 240V AC
B : 220V DC
C : 110V DC
D : 24V DC

89 : Which is used to sense the heat in fire alarm circuit?
A : Varistors
B : Light dependent resistor
C : Sensistors
D : Thermistors

90 : What is the voltage range of DC series MCB?
A : 110 volt DC
B : 200 volt DC
C : 220 volt DC
D : 230 volt DC

91 : Which MCBs are designated to protect circuit with inductive loads?
A : L series MCBs
B : G series MCBs
C : DC series MCBs
D : L series and DC series MCBs

92 : Which classification of accessories, ceiling rose belongs?
A : Outlet accessories
B : Safety accessories
C : Holding accessories
D : General accessories

93 : Which type of accessories, the fuse comes under?
A : Controlling accessories
B : Holding accessories
C : Safety accessories
D : Outlet accessories

94 : Which is the purpose of iron clad fuse cut outs used in domestic service connection?
A : To protect the line from over voltage
B : To ensure the line is not loaded beyond rated current
C : To protect the service line from short circuit
D : To protect the inmates from shock

95 : What is the height the switch shall be forced above the floor level as per NEC?
A : 1.3 m
B : 1.5 m
C : 2.0 m
D : 2.5 m

96 : Which is the vertical clearance of low and medium voltage lines from buildings as per IE rules?
A : 1.2 m
B : 2.5 m
C : 5.8 m
D : 6.1 m

97 : Which is the value of insulation resistance permissible as per IE rules?
A : Not more than 1 M ohm
B : Not more than 2 M ohm
C : Not more than 3 M ohm
D : Not more than 4 M ohm

98 : Which is the formula to express Faradays law of electrolysis?
A :
B :
C :
D :
99 : What is the process of chemical decomposition produced by current passed through electrolyte?
A : Electromagnetism
B : Electrolysis
C : Electrodynamic
D : Electro statics

100 : Which is the positive (Anode) electrode in silver oxide cells?
A : zinc
B : copper
C : carbon
D : Silver oxide

101 : Which is rechargeable cell?
A : Voltaic cell
B : Carbon zinc cell
C : Lead acid cell
D : Mercury cell

102 : Which material is used as positive electrode in a dry cell?
A : Zinc
B : Carbon
C : Copper
D : Lithium

103 : Which is the negative electrode in voltaic cell?
A : Carbon
B : Copper
C : Zinc
D : Lithium

104 : Which electrolyte is used in lead acid battery?
A : Diluted hydrochloric acid
B : Concentrated ammonium chloride
C : Concentrated potassium hydroxide
D : Diluted sulphuric acid

105 : What is the name of part marked as x?
A : Container
B : Plates
C : Separators
D : Terminals

106 : What is the name of the part marked as ´x´ of lead acid battery?
A : Separators
B : Container
C : Post terminal
D : Plates

107 : What is the purpose of separators provided in lead acid battery?
A : To avoid short between positive and negative plates
B : To avoid short between plates and body
C : To avoid buckling effect
D : To avoid sedimentation effect

108 : Which material the positive Faure plates are made in lead acid battery?
A : Spongy lead (Pb)
B : Lead peroxide (PbO2)
C : Lead sulphate (PbSO4)
D : Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4)

109 : Which formula is used to calculate internal resistance (Ri) of a cell?
A :
B :
C :
D :

110 : Why cells are connected in series?
A : To reduce total voltage
B : To obtain higher current
C : To obtain higher voltage
D : To reduce current

111 : What is the name of the charge that given to a battery if it is in danger of becoming over discharged during working?
A : Boost charge
B : Freshening charge
C : Trickle charge
D : Initial charge

112 : Which method is used to charge the battery at very low rate and long period?
A : Rectifier method
B : Trickle charging method
C : Constant current method
D : Constant potential method

113 : Which instrument is used to measure electrolyte specific gravity?
A : Barometer
B : Hydrometer
C : Lactometer
D : Thermometer

114 : Why the vent plugs are kept open during charging of lead acid battery?
A : Check the level of electrolyte
B : Release the gas produced
C : Enter the oxygen from atmospheric air
D : Check the condition of plates

115 : Which is applied on the battery terminals to avoid corrosion?
A : Solid grease
B : Petroleum jelly
C : Lubricating oil
D : Liquid grease

116 : What happens to the terminal voltage of a cell if load is increased?
A : Decreases
B : Increases
C : Remain same
D : Falls to zero

117 : Which is the purpose of inverter?
A : Convert AC to DC
B : Convert low voltage DC to high voltage DC
C : Convert low voltage AC to high voltage AC
D : Convert DC to AC

118 : Which device converts AC to DC in inverter?
B : Metal rectifiers
C : Bridge rectifiers
D : Full wave rectifiers

119 : What is the full form of abbreviation of UPS?
A : Uni directional Power Supply
B : Un interrupted Power Supply
C : Uniform Power Supply
D : Un regulated Power Supply

120 : Which is used as stand by source for critical loads in absence of AC supply?
A : Inverter
C : Voltage Stabilizer
D : Regulated Power Supply

121 : Which converts light energy into electrical energy?
A : Thermistors
B : Sensistors
C : Photovoltaic cell
D : Light dependent resistor

122 : Which batteries can be kept in the AC room along with inverter?
A : Nickel cadmium batteries
B : SMF batteries
C : Tubular batteries
D : Nickel iron batteries

123 : Which is the unit of capacity of a storage cell?
A : Ampere-hour (A)
B : Watt
C : Volt Ampere (VA)
D : Ampere

124 : Which factor the capacity of a cell depends?
A : Distance between plates
B : Material of positive plate
C : Material of negative plate
D : Size of plates

125 : Which cell has high shelf life?
A : Dry cell
B : Leclanche cell
C : Lithium cell
D : Alkaline cell

126 : What is the name of the hammer?
A : Claw hammer
B : Straight pein hammer
C : Ball pein hammer
D : Cross pein hammer

127 : What is the size of firmer chisel?
A : 1 mm to 30 mm
B : 2 mm to 40 mm
C : 3 mm to 50 mm
D : 4 mm to 60 mm

128 : How files are specified?
A : By length
B : By thickness
C : By width
D : By total length with handle

129 : What is the use of cross cut chisel?
A : Cutting keyways
B : Cutting curved grooves
C : Squaring materials at corners
D : Removing metal after chain drilling

130 : What purpose rough file is used?
A : High degree finishing
B : Good finishing purpose
C : Removing less metal and good finish
D : Removing more quantity of metal quickly

131 : What is the name of hacksaw frame part
marked asX?
A : Handle
B : Frame
C : Fixed blade holder
D : Frame length adjustment

132 : How hacksaw blades are specified?
A : Teeth per 10mm
B : Teeth per 15mm
C : Teeth per 20mm
D : Teeth per 25mm

133 : What is the use of fret saw?
A : Larger curve cutting
B : Cutting sharp corners
C : Internal cutting
D : Cutting sharp and fine curves

134 : What is the name of the tool?
A : ‘G clamp
B : Vice clamp
C : Bench hook
D : Carpenters vice

135 : What is the accuracy of the wooden folding rule?
A : 0.05 mm
B : 0.25 mm
C : 0.5 mm
D : 1 mm

136 : How nails are specified?
A : By length only
B : By type only
C : By length and type only
D : By length type and gauge number

137 : What is the use of the carpenter tool?
A : Marking lines parallel to face
B : Marking holes on wood
C : Check the thickness of wood
D : Check the squareness of wood

138 : Which is the name of wooden joint?
A : End lap joint
B : Middle lap joint
C : Cross lap joint
D : Corner joint

139 : Which defect in timber is caused by the growth of branches?
A : Twisting
B : Cracking
C : Cupping
D : Knot

140 : What is the name of the drilling machine?
A : Pillar drilling machine
B : Radial drilling machine
C : Electric hand drilling machine
D : Sensitive bench drilling machine

141 : Which formula is used to calculate cutting speed (CS) of a drill bit of d = dia of drill, N = spindle speed in RPM?
A :
B :
C :
D :

142 : Which speed can be achieved by the belt arrangement in bench drilling machine?
A : 2 times below than rated speed
B : 3 times below than rated speed
C : Rated speed
D : Above rated speed

143 : What is the name of the operation needed to enable the head of the screw to fit flush with the surface of a component?
A : Drilling
B : Tapping
C : Reaming
D : Counter sinking

144 : What is the indication of the letter ‘M’ in thread formation M12?
A : BSF thread
B : BSW thread
C : ISO inch thread
D : ISO metric thread

145 : What is the thread angle of British standard worth (BSW) thread?
A : 60°
B : 65°
C : 55°
D : 50°

146 : How many types of threaded fastening available in ISO inch (unified) thread?
A : One
B : Two
C : Four
D : Three

147 : What is the use of stock and die sets?
A : To make internal threads in cylindrical jobs
B : To make external threads in cylindrical jobs
C : To make internal threads in square jobs
D : To make external threads in square jobs

148 : Which is the name of wrench?
A : T-handle tap wrench
B : Double-ended non-adjustable tap wrench
C : Solid tap wrench
D : Double ended adjustable tap wrench

149 : What is the effect on thread is the side
screw in more tighted?
A : No effect threads form normally
B : Threads forms unevenly
C : Both die and threads damaged
D : Pipe broken into pieces

150 : What is the name of the stake?
A : Square stake
B : Hatchet stake
C : Blow-horn stake
D : Bevel-edge square stake

151 : What is the name of the tool?
A : Stakes
B : “C” clamps
C : Folding bar
D : Angle steel

152 : What is the cutting angle of “V” notch marked asX?
A : 30° angle to the edge of the sheet
B : 40°angle to the edge of the sheet
C : 45° angle to the edge of the sheet
D : 50° angle to the edge of the sheet

153 : What is the use of bent snips?
A : To cut straight slot
B : To cut internal holes
C : To cut external curves
D : To cut internal curves

154 : Which notch is used, if a single hem meets
at right angles?
A : ‘V notch
B : Slant notch
C : Square notch
D : Straight notch

155 : Which type of notch is used for forming rectangular box?
A : ‘V notch
B : Slant notch
C : Square notch
D : Straight notch

156 : What is the name of the part marked as X in an universal surface gauge?
A : Snug
B : Scriber
C : Spindle
D : Clamping Nut

157 : What is the name of the gauge?
A : Limit gauge
B : Radius gauge
C : Thread ring gauge
D : Standard wire gauge

158 : How to check the radius of the parts by using radius gauge?
A : Comparing with radius of the radius gauge
B : Actual measuring with the help of radius gauge
C : Calculated with the help of the radius gauge
D : Visually displayed in radius gauge

159 : What is the name of the tool?
A : Bent snip
B : Straight snip
C : Side cutting plier
D : Diagonal cutting plier

160 : Which is called as plate?
A : Sheets over 2 mm thick
B : Sheets over 3 mm thick
C : Sheets over 4 mm thick
D : Sheets over 5 mm thick

161 : Which type of stakes are used for riveting cone shape articles?
A : Square stake
B : Hatchet stake
C : Bevel edge square stake
D : Blow horn stake

162 : Which makes the edge smooth and stiff in small sheet metal aritcals?
A : Slant notch
B : Single hem
C : Double hem
D : Square notch

163 : Which is dia magnetic substance?
A : Iron and nickel
B : Aluminium
C : Graphite
D : Copper

164 : What is the metal composition of Permalloy?
A : Iron and nickel
B : Iron and copper
C : Iron and aluminium
D : Iron and chromium

165 : What is the unit of permeability?
A : Weber/metre
B : No unit (mere number)
C : Ampere turns/web
D : Ampere turns/metre2

166 : Which property of a magnet is illustrated?
A : Induction property
B : Saturation property
C : Directive property
D : Poles-existing property

167 : Which factor depends on the permeability of the material?
A : Length
B : Flux density
C : Field intensity
D : Magneto motive force

168 : Which rule is used to find the direction of the self induced emf in a coil?
A : Clock rule
B : Lenz law
C : Ampere rule
D : Corkscrew rule

169 : Which rule is used for determine the direction of magnetic lines in a current carrying conductor?
A : Lenz law
B : Right hand palm rule
C : Fleming left hand rule
D : Fleming right hand rule

170 : Which rule is used to find the direction of the induced emf in a coil?
A : Clock rule
B : Lenz law
C : Ampere rule
D : Corkscrew rule

171 : Which rule is used to find the magnetic polarity of solenoid?
A : Lenz law
B : Right hand palm rule
C : Fleming left hand rule
D : Fleming right hand rule

172 : What is the purpose of corkscrew rule?
A : To find direction induced emf
B : To find direction of rotation of the conductor
C : To find direction of the current flowing in the conductor
D : To find direction of magnetic lines around the conductor

173 : What is the name of the part marked as X?
A : Magnetic saturation
B : Coercivity force
C : Residual magnetism
D : Origin point

174 : What is the name of property that the flux density always lagging behind the magnetising force?
A : Hysteresis
B : Magnetic intensity
C : Magnetic induction
D : Residual magnetism

175 : Which is determined by BH curve?
A : The retentiveness of the material
B : The field intensity of the substance
C : The magnetic properties of the material
D : The pulling power of the magnetic material

176 : Which force is required to demagnetise the residual magnetism in the hysteresis loop?
A : Electromotive force
B : Magneto motive force
C : Counter induced emf
D : Coercive force

177 : Which is the example for inductor?
A : Choke
B : Transformer
C : Buzzer
D : Electric bell

178 : Which law states whenever the magnetic flux is linked with a circuit changes an emf is always induced it?
A : Faraday´s law of electromagnetic induction
B : Lenz law
C : Fleming left hand rule
D : Corkscrew rule

179 : What is unit of inductance?
A : Weber
B : Henry
C : Ampere turns
D : wb/m2

180 : Which law is used to determine the induced emf in a conductor?
A : Fleming left hand rule
B : Fleming right hand rule
C : Lenz’s law
D : Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction

181 : Which formula used to calculate the magnitude of induced emf?
A :
B :
C :
D :

182 : Which formula is used to find capacitance?
A : C = QV
B : C = Q+V
C : C=V/Q
D : C=Q/V

183 : What is the formula to calculate the total capacitance (C) if three capacitors (C1, C2, C3) connected in series?
A :
C = C1+C2+C3
B :
C :
D :

184 : Which factor is inversely proportional to the value of capacitance?
A : Dielectric strength
B : Thickness of the plate
C : Area of the plate
D : Distance between the plates

185 : Which type of capacitor is known as polarised capacitor?
A : Mica capacitor
B : Paper capacitor
C : Ceramic capacitor
D : Electrolytic capacitor

186 : Which material has high dielectric constant?
A : Air
B : Paper
C : Ceramic
D : Polyester

187 : What is the value of capacitance, if it stores 1 coulomb of charge at 1 volt?
A : 1 watts
B : 1 ohm
C : 1 farad
D : 1 henry

188 : Which dielectric material is used in capacitor?
A : Empire cloth
B : Milinex paper
C : Ceramic
D : Insulating varnish

189 : Where the variable air capacitors are used?
A : Radio receivers
B : Oscillators
C : Amplifiers
D : RF filters

190 : Which type of capacitor is used for space requirements?
A : Plastic film type
B : Ceramic disc type
C : Electrolytic – Aluminium
D : Electrolytic – Tantalum type

191 : What is the value of form factor?
A : 1.23
B : 1.11
C : 0.81
D : 0.707

192 : What is the RMS value of alternating voltage?
A : 0.637 X Vav
B : 0.707 X Vav
C : 0.637 X Vmax
D : 0.707 X Vmax

193 : What is the name of AC value is illustrated in dotted lines?
A : Effective value
B : Peak value
C : Average value
D : Instantaneous value

194 : Which quantity is rotating at a constant angular velocity?
A : Scalar quantity
B : Vector quantity
C : Phasor quantity
D : Algebraic quantity

195 : What is the shape of the waveform of A/C?
A : Sine wave
B : Square wave
C : Sawtooh wave
D : Pulsating wave

196 : Which AC circuit wave form is illustrated?
A : Pure resistive circuit
B : Pure inductive circuit
C : Resistive and inductive circuit
D : Inductance and capacitance circuit

197 : What is the inductive reactance of a coil having 20H inductance operating at 50 Hz supply frequency?
A : 6252Ω
B : 6273Ω
C : 6284Ω
D : 6382Ω

198 : Which formula is used to find impedance of a RLC series circuit?
A :
B :
C :
D :

199 : Which formula is used to calculate power factor (Cosθ) of an AC circuit?
A :
B :
C :
D :

200 : Which formula is used to calculate reactive power (Pr)?
A : Pᵣ = VI cosθ
B : Pᵣ = VI sinθ
C : Pᵣ = Wθ
D : Pᵣ = VI tanθ

201 : What is the formula for calculating admittances (Y) of a AC parallel circuit?
A : Y = G2 + B2
B :
C :
D :

202 : What is the reciprocal of resistance in AC parallel circuit?
A : Reactance
B : Admittance
C : Conductance
D : Susceptance

203 : What is the S.I unit of frequency?
A : Kilo Hertz
B : Hertz
C : Mega Hertz
D : Giga Hertz

204 : What is power in pure inductive AC circuit?
A : 0 KW
B : 1 KW
C : 2 KW
D : 5 KW

205 : What is inductive reactance of AC inductive circuit if the inductance value is 4H?
A : 1256 ohms
B : 1258 ohms
C : 1260 ohms
D : 1262 ohms

206 : What is the name of total opposition offered by RLC series circuit?
A : Inductive reactance
B : Capacitive reactance
C : Impedance
D : Admittance

207 : Which formula is used to calculate the impedance (Z) of R.L.Series circuit?
A :
B :
C :
D :

208 : What is the formula for power in AC RC series circuit?
A : VI
B : VI cos
C : VI sin
D :  VI

209 : What is effect of current in a RC parallel circuit?
A : IC Leads IR by 90°
B : IC Lags IR by 90°
C : IR Leads IC 90°
D : IR & IC are in phase

210 : What is impedance in AC, RL series circuit if resistance is 3 ohm and inductive reactance 4 ohm?
A : 3 ohm
B : 5 ohm
C : 7 ohm
D : 12 ohm

211 : What is the relationship between line and phase current in delta connection?
A :
B :
C :
D :

212 : Which formula to find phase voltage in 3 phase star connection?
A :
B :
C :
D :

213 : What is the reactive power, if the active power is 4 Kw, and the apparent power is 5 Kw in a 3 phase circuit?
A : 1 Kw
B : 2 Kw
C : 3 Kw
D : 4 Kw

214 : Where the artificial neutral is required for measuring phase voltage in 3 phase circuit?
A : 3 wire star connected system
B : 4 wire star connected system
C : 3 wire delta connected system
D : 4 wire delta connected system

215 : What is the power factor, if one wattmeter reads zero and other reads some positive reading in two wattmeter method of 3 phase power measurement?
A : Unity
B : Above 0.5
C : 0.5
D : Below 0.5

216 : Which is the formula to calculate the power consumed in a balanced load in star or delta connected system?
A :
B :
C :
D :

217 : What is the name of star point in star connection system?
A : Neutral point
B : Cross point
C : Tapping point
D : Phase tapping wire

218 : What will be the neutral current in 3 phase-unbalanced circuits?
A : One
B : More than one
C : Zero
D : Not zero

219 : In a 3 balanced star connected system having a phase voltage of 240V calculate the line voltage in the circuit?
A : 400 V
B : 415 V
C : 430 V
D : 450 V

220 : Which type of the power measurement is used for balanced and unbalanced louds in 3 phase system?
A : Single wattmeter method
B : Two wattmeter method
C : Three wattmeter method
D : Voltmeter and ammeter method

221 : What is the purpose of system earthing?
A : To maintain ground at zero potential
B : To reduce the load current
C : To protect the equipment from over load
D : To reduce the losses

222 : Why earth resistance value required to keep very low?
A : For quick current flow
B : For easy measurement
C : For low power consumption
D : For low voltage drop

223 : What is the minimum length of the earth electrode pipe?
A : 1.5 metre
B : 2 metre
C : 2.25 metre
D : 2.5 metre

224 : What is the minimum size of the copper plate electrode?
A : 30cm to 30cm
B : 60cm X 40cm
C : 60cm X 50cm
D : 60cm X 60cm

225 : What will happen to the value of earth resistance, if length of the earth pipe is increased?
A : Remain same
B : Increases
C : Decreases
D : Infinity

226 : Which type of holder is to be earthed as per BIS?
A : Angle holder
B : Bracket holder
C : Battern lamp holder
D : Pendant lamp holder

227 : What is size of earth conductor used in power load?
A : 8 SWG
B : 10 SWG
C : 14 SWG
D : 20 SWG

228 : What is the range of good earth resistance?
A : High resistance
B : Very low resistance
C : Medium resistance
D : Very high resistance

229 : How earth resistance value mainted in summer?
A : Use new electrode
B : Use new coal and salt layer
C : Use new earth wire
D : Use water and maintain wet condition

230 : Which method is used to reduce earth resistance?
A : Reducing the pit depth for earthing
B : Increasing the depth of earth pit
C : Decreasing the length of the electrode
D : Connecting number of earth electrode in parallel

231 : Which instrument is used to measure earth resistance?
A : Megger
B : Ohm meter
C : Wheatstone bridge
D : Earth tester

232 : What principle earth tester works?
A : Potential dividing method
B : Fall of potential method
C : Fall of resistance method
D : Current dividing method

233 : What is the reason for supplying AC to the electrodes for measuring earth resistance?
A : AC is easily available
B : Protect the coils in the meter
C : Reduce the value of current in the meter
D : Avoid the effect of electrolytic Emf interference

234 : How many primary winding required in ELCB?
A : One primary winding
B : Two primary windings
C : Three primary windings
D : Four primary windings

235 : What is the purpose of the ELCB?
A : Control the fault circuit current
B : Protect the residual current
C : Protect the equipment from over load
D : Protect the circuit from short circuit

236 : Which element is used as semi conductor?
A : Silver
B : Silicon
C : Copper
D : Aluminium

237 : How many electrons in a silicon atom?
A : 7
B : 14
C : 29
D : 32

238 : How the N type semi conductor is formed?
A : Germanium with aluminium
B : Silicon with antimony
C : Silicon with iridium
D : Silicon with arsenic

239 : Which element is used as impurity to provide N type semi conductor?
A : Arsenic
B : Aluminium
C : Gallium
D : Boron

240 : How the P – type semiconductor is formed?
A : Germanium with phosphorus
B : Silicon with aluminum
C : Germanium with antimony
D : Germanium with aluminum

241 : What does the depletion region behave?
A : Conductor
B : Insulator
C : Semi conductor
D : Resistor

242 : What does letter2N indicate in the semiconductor device?
A : The diode PN junctions
B : The number of terminals
C : The device power
D : Two junction device

243 : What is the use of LED?
A : To rectify AC to DC
B : To reduce the ripple
C : To regulate the voltage
D : To indicate light

244 : What is the function of forward biased PN junction diode?
A : Act as uni directional switch
B : Act as bi directional switch
C : Act as control switch
D : Act as limit switch

245 : What is the PIV of the diode if the AC input voltage is 24V?
A : 32 V
B : 33 V
C : 34 V
D : 36 V

246 : What is the purpose of heat sink in electronic circuit?
A : Keep temperature desired range
B : Keep voltage desired range
C : Keep currents desired range
D : Keep resistance desired range

247 : Which material is used for making heat sink?
A : Copper
B : Aluminum
C : Iron
D : Zinc

248 : What is the expansion of PIV?
A : Peak Input Voltage
B : Positive Inverse Voltage
C : Peak Inverse Voltage
D : Phase Inverse Voltage

249 : What is the relation between input AC voltage (VAC) and output DC voltage (VDC) in full wave rectifier?
A : Vdc = 0.45 Vac
B : Vdc = 0.637 Vac
C : Vdc = 0.707 Vac
D : Vdc = 0.9 Vac

250 : Which type of filter?
A : PI filter
B : Series Inductor filter
C : RC filter
D : Choke input LC filter

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