Module-1 Measuring Instrumnet


1 : What is the type of scale?

A : Coarse fine scale
B : Extended scale
C : Linear scale
D : Non linear scale

2 : Which classification of instrument tangent galvanometer belongs?
A : Secondary instrument
B : Absolute instrument
C : Recording instrument
D : Integrating instrument

3 : Which electrical effect, the moving iron instrument works?
A : Heating effect
B : Chemical effect
C : Magnetic effect
D : Induction effect

4 : Which meter is used to measure only DC quantities?
A : Moving iron repulsion type instrument
B : Moving iron attraction type instrument
C : Induction type instrument
D : Moving coil instruments

5 : Which meter is used to measure the low and medium value of resistance?
A : Shunt type ohm meter
B : Megger
C : Multimeter
D : Series type ohm meter

6 : What is the disadvantage of induction type wattmeter?
A : It is used only in AC
B : It is used only in DC
C : Cannot be used for higher current
D : Cannot be used on both AC and DC

7 : Which is the advantage of dynamometer wattmeter?
A : Uniform scale
B : Less expensive
C : High sensitivity
D : Consumes less power

8 : Which factor the accuracy of ohmmeter depends?
A : Type of scale
B : Condition of battery
C : Sensitivity of the meter
D : Value of resistance to be measured

9 : What is the meter constant of an energy meter?
A : Multiplication factor of energy meter
B : Number of revolutions per KWh
C : Initial reading of KWh
D : Final reading of KWh meter

10 : Which meter is integrating type instrument?
A : Wattmeter
B : Ammeter
C : Multimeter
D : Energy meter

11 : What is the function of permanent magnet in an energy meter?
A : Acts as a brake to the disc when the load is OFF
B : It helps the disc to move when load is ON
C : It reduces the friction error
D : It gives path for the magnetic flux

12 : Which error is caused by the braking system of energy meter?
A : Creeping error
B : Speed error
C : Phase error
D : Friction error

13 : How many segments in LCD displays in Digital Multi Meter (DMM)?
A : 10
B : 8
C : 7
D : 6W

14 : What is the purpose of variable resistance marked as X of multimeter?
A : To measure resistance accurately
B : To adjust the pointer exactly at zero
C : To measure DC voltage accurately
D : To Measure AC voltage accurately

15 : What is the name of meter?
A : Vibrating reed type frequency meter
B : Weston type frequency meter
C : Electro dynamo type frequency meter
D : Ratio meter type frequency meter

16 : Which is the angle of two moving coils rigidly attached to each other of a dynamo meter type 3 phase P.F meter?
A : 90°
B : 120°
C : 180°
D : 360°

17 : Which principle the instrument transformers work?
A : Self induction
B : Mutual induction
C : Fall in potential
D : Lenzs law

18 : How the burden of current transformer is expressed?
A : Watt
B : Ampere hour
C : Volt ampere
D : Watt hour

19 : Why the pointer of a megger is in any place on the scale while it is in idle?
A : The deflecting torque is proportional to current
B : The deflecting torque on the meter is inversely proportional to current
C : The instrument does not have controlling torque
D : The deflecting torque is inversely proportional to square of the current

20 : Which principle earth tester works?
A : Induction
B : Magnetic attraction
C : Magnetic deflection
D : Fall of Potential

21 : What is the name of term that the ability of the measuring instrument to agree with itself repeatedly?
A : Precision
B : Sensitivity
C : Resolution
D : Accuracy

22 : What is the cause for creeping error in Energy meter?
A : Change in resistance
B : Improper power factor
C : Rotation of disc when the load is OFF
D : Abnormal friction of the moving system

23 : How the low range of the ammeter can be extended to higher range?
A : By connecting a shunt resistor in parallel across meter coil
B : By connecting a resistor in series with meter coil
C : By connecting a resistor in series with supply
D : By connecting two resistors across with supply

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