Module-9 Power Wiring Of Motors (2nd)


232 : Which board can be accessed from rear as well as from front side?

A : Switch board
B : Panel board
C : Danger board
D : Main switch board

233 : How the name identification boards are fixed on the panel?
A : Welded
B : Riveted
C : Brazed
D : Soldered

234 : What is the name of the accessory used to fix MCB and contactors in panel board?
A : Thimbles
B : G clamp
C : Din rail
D : Grommets

235 : When the isolation switch of a panel board should be operated?
A : In ON load condition
B : In normal load condition
C : In over load condition
D : In OFF load condition

236 : Which PVC material is used in panel board for providing pathway for wiring inside?
A : Raceways
B : Grommets
C : Din rail
D : Wire ferrules

237 : What is the function of ferrules in panel boards?
A : To identify the panel
B : To identify the switch
C : To identify the wire
D : To identify raceways

238 : What is the name of bushing used to prevent dirt, water and insects entering the panel board?
A : Raceways
B : Thimbles
C : Sleeves
D : Grommets

239 : What is the minimum clearance distance required infront of a panel or switch board?
A : 1 metre
B : 0.8 metre
C : 0.6 metre
D : 0.5 metre

240 : What is the name of part in a panel board where cables are completely enclosed?
A : Meter cabinet
B : Cable alley
C : Bus chamber
D : Cubicle

241 : Which part of a panel board should be earthed as per IE rule?
A : All live parts
B : All terminals
C : All metal parts
D : All bus bars

242 : What should be prepared first to design and estimate a panel board?
A : Schematic diagram
B : Panel board
C : Switchgears list
D : Accessories list

243 : What is the next step involved in panel design after preparing Schematic diagram?
A : Preparation of wiring diagram
B : Panel board measurement
C : Preparation of accessories list
D : Preparation of Meter cabinet

244 : What is the cutting angle value of iron angle in panel boards?
A : 90⁰
B : 75⁰
C : 60⁰
D : 45⁰

245 : Which is the name of preparation of control panel?
A : Fixing of Raceways
B : Fixing of G channel
C : Fixing of Din rail
D : Fixing of PVC channel

246 : What is the minimum clear distance required between bare conductors in panel board?
A : 2.5 cm
B : 10 cm
C : 3.8 cm
D : 1.2 cm

247 : What is the name of device used to fix and hold cables in a secure manner inside the panel board?
A : Thimbles
B : Grommets
C : Wire ferrules
D : Wire clip

248 : Which item is used to terminate the cable ends in a panel board?
A : Grommets
B : Wire ferrules
C : Thimbles
D : Raceways

249 : What is the part marked as x in the panel board?
A : Raceways
B : Bushing
C : Grommets
D : Thimbles

250 : What is the minimum number of earth terminals needed on a panel board
A : 2
B : 4
C : 3
D : 1

251 : What is the name of item used to fix the cables rigidly to the body of panel board?
A : Bushing
B : Grommets
C : Ferrules
D : Gland

252 : Which material is used to make earth bus bar in panel boards
A : Copper
B : Silver
C : Iron

253 : Which step is involved in testing load performance in panel boards?
A : Second step
B : First step
C : Last step
D : Third step

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