Module-5 Three Phase Circuit (2nd)


117 : What is the angular displacement of 3 phase voltages?

A : 120 electrical degrees
B : 90 electrical degrees
C : 180 electrical degrees
D : 360 electrical degrees

118 : What is the factor relating to line voltage and phase voltage?
A : √3
B : √2
C : 1
D : 3

119 : What is the formula for power in delta connection
A :
B :
C :
D :

120 : What is the value of neutral current in balanced star connected 3 phase load?
A : 0 Amp
B : 1.73 Amp
C :
D :

121 : What is the relation between line voltage (VL) and phase voltage (Vph) in 3 phase delta connection?
A :
B :
C :
D :

122 : What is the line voltage if phase voltage is 415V in delta connection?
A : 415V
B : 400
C : 240V
D : 138V

123 : Which is the type of load when the phase currents of a 3 phase circuit are same?
A : Balanced load
B : Unbalanced load
C : No load
D : Full load

124 : Which is the type of load if the phase currents of a 3 phase system are different?
A : Full load
B : No load
C : Balanced load
D : Unbalanced load

125 : How many number of watt meter to be used for balanced 3 phase power measurement?
A : One
B : Two
C : Three
D : Four

126 : Which method is used for 3f power measurement when load is unbalanced?
A : One watt meter method
B : Voltmeter method
C : Ammeter method
D : Three watt meter method

127 : What is the value of power factor when two watt meter readings are equal in 2 watt meter method of power measurement?
A : Unity
B : 0.5 lagging
C : 0.5 leading
D : Less than 0.5

128 : What is the reading in second watt meter W2 if the first watt meter reading is W1 = 100W at the p.f 0.5?
A : 200W
B : Zero
C : 100W
D : 50W

129 : What is the formula for total power in three watt meter method of power measurement?
A : W1 – W2
B : W1+W2+W3
C : W1+W2
D : W1(W2+W3)

130 : Where two watt meter method of power measurement is used?
A : Balanced load only
B : Unbalanced load only
C : Balanced and unbalanced load
D : Half full load

131 : What is the value of line current if phase current is 10 Amp in star connection?
A : 17.3 Amp
B : 10 Amp
C : 5 Amp
D : 9 Amp

132 : Calculate the phase current if the line current is 30 Amp in delta connection?
A : 30A
B : 17.3A
C : 15.6A
D : 10Amp

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