Module-3 Distribution and Protection (2nd)


88 : Which distribution system is used for domestic light and appliances?

A : Single phase two wire
B : Three phase three wire
C : Two phase Two wire
D : Single Phase one wire

89 : What is a interconnected distribution system?
A : Distributor gets supply from one source
B : Distributor gets supply from two locations
C : Distributor gets supply direct from substation
D : Distributor gets supply from more than two locations

90 : What is service main?
A : The cable carrying supply from distributor to meter of consumer
B : The cable carrying supply from meter to load
C : The cable carrying supply from generating station to transformer
D : The cable carrying supply from transformer to over head line

91 : What is feeder?
A : The line carrying supply from generating station to distributors
B : The cable carrying supply from transformer to over head lines
C : The cable carrying supply from meter to load
D : The cable carrying supply from distributor to meter of consumer

92 : What is distributor?
A : The conductors providing supply to transmission lines.
B : The conductors providing supply to distribution line
C : The conductors providing supply to service main
D : The conductors providing supply to a power transformer

93 : Where steel towers are used?
A : Transmission lines
B : Primary distribution lines
C : Secondary distribution lines
D : For telephone lines

94 : Which is used to carry higher voltage for long distance transmission?
A : Feeder
B : Distributor
C : Service main
D : Service wire

95 : Which conductor is used in over head lines?
A : Copper conductor
B : Aluminium Conductor
C : ACSR Conductor
D : Steel Conductor

96 : What is distribution system?
A : Supply from substation to consumer
B : Supply from generating station to substation
C : Generation of power in a generating station.
D : Supply from generating station to transmission line

97 : How the size of feeder is decided?
A : On the basis of line voltage
B : On the Basis of current of the line
C : On the basis of length of line
D : On the basis of height of line

98 : Where underground distribution system is preferred?
A : Open areas
B : In forests
C : Highly populated area
D : Hill areas

99 : What is the advantage of underground distribution system?
A : High installation cost
B : Difficult to trace the faults
C : Lower life span
D : Good appearance

100 : Which is a part of over head line?
A : Lead sheath
B : Stay wire
C : Armouring
D : Cable trench

101 : Which is a line protecting device?
A : Bus bar
B : Isolating switch
C : Insulator
D : Circuit Breaker

102 : Which type of isolater consists of four arms and at the end of arm silver plated copper contacts are fixed?
A : Single brake isolater
B : Double brake isolater
C : Pantograph isolater
D : Bus side isolater

103 : Which motor is fitted with single phasing relay?
A : Single Phase motors
B : DC shunt motor
C : DC series motor
D : Three phase motors

104 : Which is the name of relay used to protect turbo generators from internal fault?
A : Earth fault relay
B : Inverse time relay
C : Under voltage relay
D : Differential relay

105 : Which type of distribution is used in residential area?
A : Single phase two wire
B : Three phase three wire
C : Two phase Two wire
D : Three phase four wire

106 : Which distribution system is energised by more than two generating station?
A : Radial system
B : Ring main system
C : Inter connected system
D : DC system

107 : Which supply can provide supply for 3 phase as well as single phase load?
A : Single phase two wire
B : Two phase two wire
C : Three phase three wire
D : Three phase four wire

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